1️⃣ The harder I work the luckier I get…If you’ve ever listened to Gary Vaynerchuk you may have heard him talk about why most businesses fail, they don’t realize how hard it is and how “all in” you have to be in order to be successful. Working hard for my clients and spending time getting to know their business and developing a right-sized plan has been key for me this year. If you’re not seeing the growth in your business, maybe it’s time to pick up the pace.
2️⃣ You don’t need a logo, or at least not in the beginning…When I started my business I spent a considerable amount of time defining who my audience would be, what problem I’d be solving for them and what the service would look like. I worked on my company name, credo and sort of stopped there. I’m not saying that I didn’t dream up some concepts and reach out to a designer for an idea or two, I just never pulled the trigger. Looking back, I don’t think it slowed me down. I’ve used my business name in my marketing and relied on the importance of reputation and performance to bring on new clients. Your logo is part of your brand and is important, but don’t let it hold you back from deploying your business.
3️⃣ Hire someone to help…On a recent trip to New Orleans I watched this guy entertaining the captive crowds on Church Street while playing a guitar, connected to a tambourine connected to a drum, connected to a, you get the idea. I thought, this guy’s not only a one-man-band but he’s doing too much. He should hire a band. I learned this lesson halfway through my first year, don’t try to do everything. I have found some talented designers and partners that have helped me get the work done and saved my clients time and money. Don’t be stubborn, hire a band! (or me 😉)